IPTables / Avoiding UDP Vuln


Anyone have any suggestions for IPTables rules that can be used to avoid this type of firewall vulnerability? Also anyone know of a simple method of testing it?

I can see methods of protecting yourself if you are not running an authoritative DNS server… however if you are… it seems a bit more tricky.

4 Replies



Anyone have any suggestions for IPTables rules that can be used to avoid this type of firewall vulnerability? Also anyone know of a simple method of testing it?

I can see methods of protecting yourself if you are not running an authoritative DNS server… however if you are… it seems a bit more tricky.
This seems to be a vulnerabilty in Kerio Personal Firewall as per the referenced BugTraq ID. As long as you don't open a hole for everything with udp src port 53 you should be fine.

Well if your running a DNS server you have to have UDP 53 open… :(

And I don't know is this a vuln that only affects Kerio? I read that too, but I also read a few places that lead me to believe this affects IPTables as well…

I read a recommendation for the following rules… however I'm not sure how to sucessfully test it for certain…

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state ESTABLISHED --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j DROP

You can test for this from any other box using a tools like nmap. You can get this at insecure.org.



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