
can i change a datacenter for my linode?

8 Replies

This has been addressed elsewhere in these forums (here).


Can we request to move our Linodes to a machine at HE (I don't mind losing what I have on my Linode at this time, I can set it up again)? And do you have an IP at HE we could trace to? I'm in Europe and I think HE is faster. Thanks
You can ping/traceroute, which is at the HE datacenter.

I'd be willing to move the Linode 64 account to HE since we don't have to transfer your disk images across datacenters. Just fill out a support ticket with your request.

If someone does want to transfer DCs and take their disk images with them, I'd have to charge a small fee ($5-10 bucks) for the admin time and bandwidth.


Fill out a support ticket requesting a transfer. You may have to wait until an appropriate Linode becomes available.

i have filled out a support ticket 5 days …

no any response

There are no Linode 64 or 96 available at the moment. I guess you have to wait until the new hosts come online (or until somebody leaves, if you're trying to move to the datacenter which is not receiving the next shipment of gear).

There are 2 Linode 128 available now. are they at HE?

i will order one if they are at HE!

Most likely they're at The Planet but only caker can say for sure.

Just out of interest, why are you so keen to move to HE?

because i come from Taiwan (Asia), anyone will go to my site also come from Taiwan (Asia).

i think it has better connection between HE to Asia.

why did caker never answer my question?

: (


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