
Do I need to use NTP or will the host provide time for the uml instance? In case I need NTP - what NTP servers should I use?

3 Replies

The hosts run ntpd. As well as imitating the hardware clock during boot, the host seems to periodically correct the Linode internal clocks. UML probably takes this approach because guaranteeing internal clock performance on a virtual system is problematic.

My Linode clock stays accurate to the second.

Caker can you clarify this.

As alot of people run NTP on there linodes, including me.

My understanding was that the hosts ran NTP but the linode only synced with the host clock on boot. After that it was up to the linode to maintain its own clock.



% ssh linode uptime ; date

sweh@linode's password:

21:36:17 up 76 days, 6:20, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Tue Aug 17 21:36:17 EDT 2004

ie after 76 days my linode (not running ntp) matches my home machine (running ntp).

I see no need to run ntp on the linodes :-)


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