locales and Squirrelmail


I have onfigured and installed squirrelmail in my system. Now, I'm trying to use locales. To do this I have to run an script called "comilepo" which is in "po" directory (of squirrelmail).

When I execute the script:

compilepo ca_ES

the system returs an error:

www-data@bastiments:~/correu/po$ ./compilepo ca_ES
Compiling ../locale/ca_ES/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
./compilepo: msgfmt: command not found

I know that I don't have the msgfmt program but I don't know how to install it. I'm using debian and I've tried apt-get but the package msgfmt does not exist.

Somebod of you have a solution?


1 Reply

It's in the devel/gettext (stable) package.


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