Recommended Wiki software

Currently using tiki-wiki at another provider… Want to do other things in addition, etc, now thinking of going here.

Looking for comments by tiki-wiki users that host here, or workarounds such as a less resource intensive wiki.

Tikiwiki is a total database hog and I worry about the "100 MHz" equivalent, etc.

I could just install it and see what happens but I'm hoping someone else has already done this experiment…

2 Replies

It's not fast, but it's fast enough for me. I suspect this is mainly due to the 64MB of allocated memory (I've had to tune apache and mysql for a low memory machine). Things seem better since the sysemu patches were applied, though I don't have any benchmarks.

One note about tiki-wiki and older (pre-1.7) versions of mozilla: there's a bug in mozilla that will cause tiki-wiki pages to show up blank if they take a long time to load. If you use tiki-wiki, you may want to encourage users to upgrade.

If you want a less resource-intensive wiki, consider Usemod. No database required (so you can shut off mysql if you don't need it), and the entire thing is just one perl script (so it's dead simple to install). Unfortunately Usemod is not an option for me, since I actually make use of tiki-wiki's forums and articles (and wiki integration with those two).

If you want the simplest possible Wiki, try Usemod. It's a single Perl script that uses the file system as its database. Small, lean, simple.


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