multiple domains


how could I have multiple domains using postfix and some pop3 system?.


2 Replies



how could I have multiple domains using postfix and some pop3 system?.


Here is my /etc/postfix/

myhostname =

mydestination = $myhostname, $mydomain, localhost,/etc/postfix/

and here is my file:

I think that is all you do for postfix.

For pop3, you don't need special configuration.

I use dovecot, and all the users in my system have a username/password pair, and they use that to get their email.

[The email for all the virtual users for all the domains I have are mapped to system users]

Good luck.

It depends on how you want to authenticate your users. You can have regular Unix users but you won't be able to have the same name in 2 different domains or you can use ldap or SQL stored mailbox.

Check on and take the time to read and understand the document on virtual domains for example.

I've done just this with postfix/dspam/tpop3d and PostgreSQL and soon clamav. I only host my personal maimlboxes but I wanted something that could support as many domain and mailbox I want, all stored in a database.


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