[NeedHelp] Can't access original user [VNC/CentOS7]


Yesterday I set up CentOS 7, with XRDP and VNC.

I had lots of stuff installed on it (with a lot of effort)

I was connecting to it using Windows remote desktop without a password - realising this was insecure I used this guide to set up / configure VNC: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/ … wo-clients">https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-remote-access-for-the-gnome-desktop-on-centos-7#step-4-%E2%80%94-configuring-vnc-service-for-two-clients

I can now connect to the server using VNC (with password), however all the installations and files aren't there. I think this is because during the guide I created two new users - I assume all the installations and files were on the user I was using beforehand, how do I get this back and access it?

I appreciate the help - I like to try things before asking for help so I can learn :)


1 Reply

I'm assuming you started the vnc server as a wrong user. See here (point 2.3): https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/VNC-Server


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