Can you recommend some companies that provide Linux administration services?

Hi there, I'm using Linode for quite a while, and I must say it is awesome.

Our business is growing with time, and we are starting to consider hiring a Linux expert that takes care of our Linode server.

So far, I'm the one doing all the server administration. However, technically, I'm not a sysop, I'm a devop. Of course, all this time I could perfectly manage to mantain the server. In fact, I've learned a lot, and I could achieve a pretty decent nginx tuning. Our infraestructure is running nginx for several websites (nginx + uwsgi), lots of databases (postgresql), caching (redis) and a bunch of other stuff.

The point is that, from now on, mantainance tasks will get more complicated, and we can't afford long downtimes.

For example, in the short term, we would need to upgrade our Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. And I don't feel I can handle such a task. I'm afraid that, in the process, I can run into some compatibility issue, and as I said, I can't afford any long downtime.

So, I'm starting to consider options.

Do you know some company that offer this kind of services? That is, mantainance and monitoring linux servers (with the main software pieces installed, as nginx, postgres, etc).

Thanks in advance.



2 Replies

Hi @gonguinguen,

Have you tried Linode's Managed services?

It seems to me that you face some risk when you give access to your business infrastructure to a stranger 3rd party.

I'm also a several year happy costumer with Linode. My first approach would be to see if they can handle my demands in this matter.

Hi @virneto, thank you for your time.

I already knew Linode Managed service, but I must say that it's been a while since the first time I discovered it, and now I can see it has improved.

In their website I can see they also offer what they call "Professional Services":

I think I'm looking for a combination of both of them: Linode Managed and Professional Services.

So, I'll contact them and see what happens.

Thanks again for your time.

Best regards,



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