Cant ssh to my node after Meltdown & Spectre maintainence

when I am doing ssh into the machine, it gives request timeout. I also tried launching List console via browser, it gives following error

The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present.

keys:Continue to wait, or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery

My website is down also no one responded to my ticket from last 5 hours :-(

4 Replies

Have you tried linode Backup to restore your website

Can you let us know what your ticket number is? We'll take a look and offer whatever advice we can.


Can you let us know what your ticket number is? We'll take a look and offer whatever advice we can.

Ticket number - linode1874293

I haven't backup to restore.

What I tried?

  • I added another linode of the same configuration.

  • I cloned my old linode to new linode still, I am not able to ssh onto new machine

  • If I am launching lish console via browser, following error appears

The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present.

keys:Continue to wait, or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery

We have someone looking at your ticket right now. Thank you for your patience.


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