Virtualmin and multiple domains and ip addresses


I thought this might have come up before, but my search skills haven't found the answers.

I have a single lined ups running ubuntu (16.04). I want to run 4 -5 wordpress sites on the server and thought I would use Virtualmin to manage the multiple servers (because I'm too old to learn the command line jujitsu required). I want each website to be set up to use ssl so each site needs its own domain so I can get certificates for each.

My problem – I can't figure out all the steps I need to follow to make it work.

I have two domains on the server at the moment. One domain is currently pointed to the shared IP address. For the other domain I created a virtual IP address using eth0:100 but what I cannot figure out is how to access that IP address from outside the server.

Before I change the A record for the domain, I thought I would just https to the IP address, but nothing.

I'm certain I've missed some config somewhere that tells the apache server to point domain name requests to the internal IP address, but I can't figure it out.

Any help at all – even just a pointer to some good doco would be appreciated.


1 Reply


I have two domains on the server at the moment. One domain is currently pointed to the shared IP address. For the other domain I created a virtual IP address using eth0:100 but what I cannot figure out is how to access that IP address from outside the server.

If by 'virtual' IP you mean the private network IPs (172.x.x.x) Linode hands out for free the answer is that you can't. They are only routable within Linode datacenters.


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