Storage Full after only install Ubuntu

I tried the first option of Linode (20G SSD, 1G Ram…).

After I only install Ubuntu, my storage is full.


Total: 20480 MB

Used: 20480 MB

Free: 0 MB

You have allocated


towards disk images

1 Reply


I tried the first option of Linode (20G SSD, 1G Ram…).

After I only install Ubuntu, my storage is full.


Total: 20480 MB

Used: 20480 MB

Free: 0 MB

You have allocated


towards disk images

Log on to your Linode and enter:

xxx@yyyyyy:~$ df -h /
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        30G  9.7G   19G  35% /

Think of the Storage number as a 20GB disk drive.



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