Server Crash when I add a disk image

After using the Distro wizard to create a config for Debian 3.0 (Small), I wanted to add a partition for /var. So, I changed my config to assign my var disk image to /dev/ubdc, and then rebooted the server, but after it says "success", the server is not online.. I cannot ping it although the linode control panel says it is online. :(

So then I removed the image from my profile and then rebooted and it was fine again. (I also tried booting from single-user mode with the image on /dev/ubdc and it didn't work).

Please could someone help me out!!

1 Reply

Log in to the virtual console of your Linode (here's how and watch the messages as it boots with the new partition enabled. You need to hit return a few times to reattach the console as the Linode boots. Post the messages here if you don't see what's wrong.

BTW, check that you copied the contents of the original var directory across to the new partition, preserving the permissions in the process. If not, one of the log daemons is probably sulking because it can't open its log file. I know it's obvious, but I forgot to do it once :roll:!


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