Mailbox size limit

Hello folks,

Just wanted to confirm if the mailbox size limit is in the file /etc/postfix/ where it states mailboxsizelimit = 0. Please confirm.

Assuming, 0 [zero] means unlimited. How do I define the size? Should it be like 2GB? Or 2000000?

Also assuming, this is the global limit for individual users. How do I define the mailbox size limit at the user level?

Thanks for help.

3 Replies

Hey there! I do believe zero means unlimited. To define the size as 2GB, you will want it to be 2000000000. You can read more about this here: … -size.html">

Hope this helps!


Stephen Crane…

Linode Customer Support

Note that this limit is for postfix's local(8) daemon. The configuration in your tutorial hands off local delivery to Dovecot which enforces its own quotas, therefore this will have no effect.


Note that this limit is for postfix's local(8) daemon. The configuration in your tutorial hands off local delivery to Dovecot which enforces its own quotas, therefore this will have no effect.

Hi emestee,

Thanks for your input. Is it possible to define mailbox size in Deovecot? Which configuration file should be used?



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