Blocking IP addresses

I am having tons of ip packets in my log files.

Yesterday "Logged 1045 packets on interface eth0"

and I have not yet started hosting.

What to do with all those, is this normal?

Need some advice!

using firehol to block ports.

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply


I am having tons of ip packets in my log files.

Yesterday "Logged 1045 packets on interface eth0"

and I have not yet started hosting.

What to do with all those, is this normal?

Need some advice!

using firehol to block ports.

Thanks in advance.

What 'tons of ip packets'? Do you think 1045 are tons?

I use portsentry to block ports, log connection attempts on blocked ports and for the ip addresses which try to connect on blocked ports, drop those addresses into an iptables rule.

iptraf will show (in real time) what ports have traffic.

tcpdump captures and logs packets over an interface. By itself, it doesn't generate staistics, graphs, etc., but there are other tools which do those things.

If you ssh into your linode, you will generate traffic, of course.


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