CentOS 7 kernel update wierdness

On a kernel update this morning I saw the following error:

grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template

Digging a little further I see that my linode is running a version 4.XX kernel, not the Centos 7 version.

uname -a

Linux li01.heronforge.net 4.9.50-x8664-linode86 #1 SMP Thu Sep 14 19:28:20 UTC 2017 x8664 x8664 x8664 GNU/Linux

The only kernel RPMs I see are

rpm -qi kernel|grep -A 3 Name

Name : kernel

Version : 3.10.0

Release : 514.el7

Architecture: x86_64

Name : kernel

Version : 3.10.0

Release : 514.26.2.el7

Architecture: x86_64


Name : kernel

Version : 3.10.0

Release : 693.2.2.el7

Architecture: x86_64


Name : kernel

Version : 3.10.0

Release : 693.5.2.el7

Architecture: x86_64

Also, the following command returns nothing but it should return a path to the current default kernel:

grubby --default-kernel

Anyone have any idea what is happening?

2 Replies

You can switch to Grub 2 mode to use the CentOS 7 kernel. By default, Linodes use the Linode-supplied kernel, which works a bit differently as it's supplied by the hypervisor instead.

https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-refer … l-with-kvm">https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/custom-kernels-distros/run-a-distribution-supplied-kernel-with-kvm

Thank you.

I occasionally test software one of my virtual machines and it needs to be as close to the expected target as possible. On Linux that doesn't make as much difference as on certain other platforms but it is one less target for the inevitable blame fixing.


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