how to server images (pics) without serving them from the site's server


I'm new to Linode and I'm trying to find a way to serve all pictures from my site as efficient as possible. One of the best ways is to serve them from a photo management server like Cloud Storage on GCP or CloudFront on AWS. Or with Linode I have to use a third party service to store and serve images from?

your help is greatly appreciated,


3 Replies

Linode does not (currently) operate a Content Delivery Network (CDN). If you handle large numbers of static files that won't fit on local storage, you could use a third-party CDN with your Linode.

You can always set up a separate linode with high performance configuration for static files only (e.g. thttpd + caching proxy), and assign a subdomain to it.

Also, Cloudflare has a free CDN.

The best choice would be to use an external CDN service for delivering the images (and other static files).


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