Custom kernel module?

Is it possible to install our own kernel module? I have a module that sets up its own filesystem type and I'm trying to modprobe it. I'm getting a "Operation not permitted" right now and I'm at a loss on what to do know.

1 Reply

If your Linode is using a disk image created in the last ~9 months, you can easily use the kernel provided by your distribution, rather than the Linode provided kernel. It takes a bit more work when using kernel modules with our kernel, so using the distribution one will be the easiest solution. … l-with-kvm">

The gist of it is to edit the Linode's configuration profile, selecting "GRUB 2" as the kernel option, save, and reboot.

If needed, we also have a guide on compiling your own custom kernel, but I would definitely try the steps above, first, and try installing your module. … l-centos-7">

That guide is for CentOS 7, but could easily be adapted for another distribution.


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