How to map disk to gues tlinux scsi device using API?
I am trying to use Linode API to assign disk to Linux SCSI device inside guest. I looked at Disk and VOlume API and thought only config
POST is the way to work, but I m running into issues with query.
I have create new disk called datadisk and i want the datadisk to be mapped to /dev/sdb on the guest. It works on UI Profile Configuration menu, but does not work with POST
request below.
Can you tell me what is th problem with below query?
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer " -X PUT -d '{ "disks":{"sdb": {"id": 9673233 } } }' … /470778494">
{"kernel": "linode/latest-64bit", "label": "Ubu16-img", "helpers": {"distro": true, "modulesdep": true, "network": true, "updatedbdisabled": true, "devtmpfsautomount": true}, "memorylimit": 0, "rootdevicero": true, "virtmode": "paravirt", "runlevel": "default", "id": 4708494, "created": "2017-08-18T15:10:30", "comments": "", "devices": {"sdd": {"diskid": 9104705, "volumeid": null}, "sda": {"diskid": 9104704, "volumeid": null}, "sde": null, "sdg": null, "sdf": null, "sdc": null, "sdb": null, "sdh": null}, "root_device": "/dev/sda", "initrd": null, "updated": "2017-08-18T15:10:30"}
curl --verbose -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer " -X PUT -d '{ "disks":{"sdb": {"id": 9673233 } } }' … 7434308494">
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{"memorylimit": 0, "helpers": {"distro": true, "network": true, "modulesdep": true, "updatedbdisabled": true, "devtmpfsautomount": true}, "initrd": null, "rootdevice": "/dev/sda", "created": "2017-08-18T15:10:30", "rootdevicero": true, "virtmode": "paravirt", "runlevel": "default", "updated": "2017-08-18T15:10:30", "comments": "", "kernel": "linode/latest-64bit", "label": "Ubu16-img", "devices": {"sdb": null, "sdd": {"diskid": 9104705, "volumeid": null}, "sdg": null, "sdh": null, "sdc": null, "sda": {"diskid": 9104704, "volume_id": null}, "sdf": null, "sde": null}, "id": 4708494}