Bulletin Board Query...

Hi All,

A quick q about a bulletin board - I have a heap of pics / text etc. which I want to be able to post individually onto a 'main' page, daily etc. easily, and have a 'history' function to view previous postings. I dont really want to have a forum setup.. just a main page with postings and a history to view prev. pics etc.

What would be recommended to do this?

Thanks in advance,


1 Reply


Hi All,

A quick q about a bulletin board - I have a heap of pics / text etc. which I want to be able to post individually onto a 'main' page, daily etc. easily, and have a 'history' function to view previous postings. I dont really want to have a forum setup.. just a main page with postings and a history to view prev. pics etc.

What would be recommended to do this?

Thanks in advance,


Try phpix.


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