Possible to allow AXFR from another server to pull zone from linode?

I have a complicated zone on linode that I would like to setup else where but I cant do a AXFR which is blocked. Is there a way to allow it temporarily?? I don't see any options for that.

5 Replies

Edit the Domain zone in question in the DNS Manager.

Add the IP(s) you want to allow transfers to in the Domain Transfer box, see ~~[https://blog.linode.com/2012/04/04/dns-axfr-acls-and-ipv6-masters/" target="_blank">](https://blog.linode.com/2012/04/04/dns- … 6-masters/">https://blog.linode.com/2012/04/04/dns-axfr-acls-and-ipv6-masters/]( for reference.

Remove the IP(s) to no longer permit transfers for the domain zone.

Note that you'll need to do your AXFR queries against axfr1.linode.com through axfr5.linode.com, rather than ns1.linode.com through ns5.linode.com.

Thanks for the replies…


Note that you'll need to do your AXFR queries against axfr1.linode.com through axfr5.linode.com, rather than ns1.linode.com through ns5.linode.com.

Thanks for this, it solves my issue. :D


Note that you'll need to do your AXFR queries against axfr1.linode.com through axfr5.linode.com, rather than ns1.linode.com through ns5.linode.com.

Wow thank you and holy mother of god btw why is this not mentioned anywhere in the docs, or at all??? This solved my problem when I tried to set up a slave zone at HE for a delegated subdomain master at Linode's name servers that I had been confounded by for days.

Sorry for bumping an old thread but I think it might help others who are trying to do something similar (or anyone trying to do zone transfers against ns[0-5].linode.com. oblivious to the existence of axfr[0-5].linode.com. ns)


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