ViagraIRCD + hostname lookups

Does anybody have any idea why ViagraIRCD refuses to resolve IPs? The box is definetly resolving them, we have checked using a simple 'nslookup' . I am running Redhat 9 (Small).

6 Replies


Does anybody have any idea why ViagraIRCD refuses to resolve IPs? The box is definetly resolving them, we have checked using a simple 'nslookup' . I am running Redhat 9 (Small).

Does "getent hosts ipaddress_" work?


% getent hosts

If not then check that /etc/nsswitch.conf is set with "hosts: files dns".

Just because nslookup works doesn't mean that the system is using DNS :-)

Yes, that command works fine.

Then I'm guessing that, for speed, the application itself isn't doing it. A number of server applications don't do reverse lookups and simply log the IP address (allowing you to work it out when you come to do reports). I don't know of this specific daemon (I've never used it) but I know of a number of others that work in just this manner.

most ircd software cache hotname lookups for 24 hours or so but i belive they do a type of host ip and host host type of thing

No, the IRCd should definitely be resolving the IPs on the spot. This is a recognized bug, which says that IPs will not resolve on "newer distros". Does anybody know what changes have been made to newer versions of Linux that would prevent the IRCd software from resolving IPs? P.S. The IRCd works flawlessly on FreeBSD.

Even though this post looks dead,

This problem is corrected in the newest version of Viagra IRCd - v1.3.3



Viagra IRCd Project


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