SSL help (Solved)

Hi Everyone,

I am marking this solved so no one needs to answer. I ended up moving the content into the files and it did resolve the SSL issues I was having. I do hope everyone has a great day.

First off I am very new to Linux, probably just enough to be dangerous lol.

I am having issues with the followings. I have Apache2 running and I have a virtual site set up and running.

I first issued my own keys and then realized I better use Lets Encrypt because I was having issues with making it all work. My issue now and is most likely an easy fix is I ran a check on why it is failing and it is using the self issued cert.

I see the following files in my /etc/letsencrypt/live/





I also have the files in:



I believe the problem is though I placed a permission of 400 before I did changed over to Lets Encrypt

Do I need to just replace the content into the files "" & "" then save and change the permissions again? (This was what solved it in case other users are having the same issue.)

Any and all advice would make my day :)

Ross Waters

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