firewalld failed to reload


i was build my new fresh centos 7 server and try to configuration firewalld, this is my step:

change ssh port and some stuff

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 22222
UseDNS no
GSSAPIAuthentication no

reload config

systemctl restart sshd.service

config firewall

systemctl enable firewalld
systemctl start firewalld
firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-service=ssh
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service={http,https,ftp,dns,smtp,smtps,pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,rsyncd}
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port={22222/tcp,587/tcp,2525/tcp,8080/tcp,8433/tcp}

and finally iam try to reload with this command:

firewall-cmd --reload

but its nothing happen, its just like this :

~~![](<URL url=) … apture.PNG">" />

iam try to close putty and open again but now i cant login to vps.

its there anything iam miss?

thank you.



6 Replies

iam try this command :

systemctl status firewalld

its show :

~~![](<URL url=) … 0/0001.PNG">" />

and iam try this command :

firewall-cmd --state

its show :

![]( … 0/0002.PNG">" />~~

How did you come up with the command line –add-service={…} and --add-port={…} ??

That doesn't seem to me to be a valid command. As far as I know, --add-service and --add-port must be individual commands per service/port (eg --add-service=http, --add-service=https, etc…).

I suggest you take a look at your /etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml to see what is the current state of your zone.

Hmm,,my bad :(

thank you very much IfThenElse, thats working now :)



No problem, nice to know it works.


when I play with firewall-cmd, I don't use –permanent right away. Instead, I run the commands without it, so it affects the running system. If I break something and I loose connectivity, then all I need to do is reboot the server via the Linode Manager, no need to login via LISH or other alternative method. Once things are stable, I run my commands with –permanent.

also, remember that SELinux needs to know about the new port:

semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 22222

thank you for tips :)

btw i see selinux status default is disabled :)

SELinux is a unique and very strong security feature, I highly recommend it for all internet facing servers.

The default Linode kernel has this feature removed, but you can use the original CentOS kernel which supports SELinux.


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