Setting up Backup Mail


How do I setup sendmail to act as a backup mail server (store and forward) for an unlimited amount of domains.

1 Reply

In Debian and Fedora (and presumably Red Hat), the default has the access database enabled. You can use this to add domains that you wish to relay; for each domain for which you wish to be a backup MX, go to the /etc/mail directory, and add a line of the form:           RELAY

to the access file. Then leave your editor, and use make to build the database. While Debian's makefile will suggest you also do /etc/init.d/sendmail reload after running make, I've found that it's unnecessary in most cases.

The access database can also be used to deny relaying; if there's a zombie running a dictionary attack, you can nip it in the bud with something like:

Connect:          REJECT

or            550 Address unknown

More information is available here.

EDIT: pointing out the /etc/mail/access file.


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