slow page load times, 5-6sec for 2mb page.

i have lemp on 1gb linode and followed the guide for optimizing nginx, but my page speed is incredibly slow 5-6 seconds for a 2mb page. i was previously on siteground shared hosting with page load times of 2 seconds. how can i improve the speed/troubleshoot where i need to make changes?

1 Reply

update after i rebooted my linode the page load time decreased to 2 secs, which is on par with what i had at siteground. i did enable cloudflare, which doesnt seem to have made a difference. i've also experiemented using cloudfront for my cdn and that actually increased my load time/page speed. so i've disabled that. i tried to enable caching with nginx/fastcgi but didnt get it to work yet. any other suggestions ?


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