Nodebalancer - Session Stickiness - Manipulate table or target?


I have a Linode configuration with a nodebalancer and 2 or more nodes.

The nodebalancer redirect the requests in TCP mode with table session stickiness to the nodes.

In HTTP mode with HTTP cookie stickiness I can manipulate the cookie to go directly to another node.

Is it possible to manipulate (for debugging) the session stickiness table in TCP mode?

So that I can test the reaction of both nodes seperatly?

Best regards.

2 Replies

No, that's not possible. There's no access to manipulate the table in any way. Assuming the NodeBalancer is just for testing, you could switch it to round-robin with no stickiness, and then each connection would go to the next backend.


So that I can test the reaction of both nodes seperatly?

Is there a reason to go through the nodebalancer in that case? Just go to each node directly. The overhead from the nodebalancer is miniscule.


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