Set up web domain after following linode guide for odoo

Thanks to this guide I decided to try deploying odoo on Linode: … untu-16-04">

I am now using the website module here to set up a commercial site, which presumably will make e-commerce easier as it will be directly linked to my company's inventory in the odoo database. But the website only resolves to localhost:8069.

How can I modify my setup so it maps directly localhost?

2 Replies

In the same article, look for "xmlrpc_port = 8069", you need to change that to 80. But this will not work if you have Apache also installed on the system, and running on port 80 (default).


In the same article, look for "xmlrpc_port = 8069", you need to change that to 80. But this will not work if you have Apache also installed on the system, and running on port 80 (default).

Turns out it isn't actually that simple. But I did solve it by installing Apache and learning a bit about Apache configurations. Also, having Apache made it easier to set up my letsencrypt certificate, because I can't find the appropriate documentation for the website module in odoo.


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