LAMP memory usage for wordpress is very high

i setup LAMP for wordpress and noticed my memory usage is high, 880mb of 1GB… almost all of it is apache2.

i followed the basic instructions on optimization in the linode guides and havent done much else. should i be worried about my server crashing and is there anything i can do to decrease?

my website traffic is relatively low 50-100 people per day

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2 Replies

If you have already lowered MaxRequestWorkers (formerly known as MaxClients) from the default, the next thing to look at is the WordPress plugins you have enabled. Some can be real pigs.

thank you i did decrease that based on the linode guide, which seems to be optimized for a 2gb setup, so i cut it in half for my 1gb and it did help. but my memory was still at about 80% used. i actually ended up switching to nginx and php fast cgi and my memory usage is now 40% of what it was with apache!


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