My site is suddenly running really slowly
Troubleshooting Memory and Networking Issues
Here's the results of the steps in that article, but it doesn't say what I should do with the info once I get it?
free -m
~~![](<URL url=)
ps -eo pmem,pcpu,rss,vsize,args | sort -k 1 -r | less
~~![](<URL url=)
iostat -d -x 2 5
~~![](<URL url=)
After that there's the category "Low-Memory Settings" and "Apache 2 Low-Memory Settings", and those tell me to change some values in some config files but it doesn't tell me what to do after I change those values.~~
2 Replies
But here's an issue. I wanted to show you the actual speeds in Firebug, but your page loaded 895 resources!!! Almost all of these resources are from the discord cdn, with few at first from your server.
Your few files are loading fine, then the browser struggles a bit to load 800+ items, but does it fine in 5 seconds.