DNS not propagating for subdomain/s

Trying to configure a subdomain but for some reason my DNS isn't propagating - I've created the new site, setting conf to:

# domain: new.mydomain.com.au
# public: /var/www/new/public_html/

 <virtualhost *:8180=""># Admin email, Server Name (domain name), and any aliases
  ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com
  ServerName  new.mydomain.com.au
  ServerAlias www.new.mydomain.com.au

  # Index file and Document Root (where the public files are located)
  DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  DocumentRoot /var/www/new/public_html
  # Log file locations
  LogLevel warn
  ErrorLog  /var/www/new/log/error.log
  CustomLog /var/www/new/log/access.log combined</virtualhost> 

enabled the site, restarted apache, all seems fine.

Added the A record in apache, but I'm not seeing it propagate - existing subdomains (ie mail) resolve, but anything new I create does not. I'm not being impatient as there is an existing subdomain, months old, which does not resolve.

It's a site I've inherited with no handover so have spent a bit of time unravelling the mess (multiple copies of the production site on the server, under mismatched folder names, in strange locations etc), so am now wondering what I could have missed?

DNS should be straight forward, yeah?

3 Replies


Added the A record in apache, but I'm not seeing it propagate - existing subdomains (ie mail) resolve, but anything new I create does not. I'm not being impatient as there is an existing subdomain, months old, which does not resolve.

Apache has nothing to do with DNS. Refer to the Linode DNS guides to learn about setting things up properly. We can't check for configuration errors without knowing your actual domain name.

Typo on my part - didn't mean DNS in Apache, meant DNS in Linode.

new subdomain -> new.myweeklypreview.com.au

existing -> mail.myweeklypreview.com.au

Your domain is designating Telstra nameservers as authoritative, not Linode. Go to your domain name registrar's interface and set Linode's nameservers. Note that this change may take 24 hours to propagate across the Internet.

You will probably want to make sure that Linode's DNS is correct before doing this to avoid interruptions for your users. You can check the entry for foo.example.com with a command like dig foo.example.com @ns1.linode.com - this will use Linode's nameserver instead of the one designated by the registrar for example.com. The one for "mail" looks correct, but you might have others you need to put in.


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