Mysql started malfuctioning after update...

Not sure why… Ubuntu, fully updated. doesn't seem like php is getting along with mysql anymore. SSH tunneling with HeidiSQL stopped working too.

Ubuntu (Latest 64 bit (4.9.15-x86_64-linode81))

2017-06-01T00:08:19.429519Z 15 [Note] Aborted connection 15 to db: 'dbname' user: 'myuser' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

2017-06-01T00:09:05.285527Z 14 [Note] Aborted connection 14 to db: 'dbname' user: 'myuser' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

2017-06-01T00:09:05.285680Z 13 [Note] Aborted connection 13 to db: 'dbname' user: 'myuser' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

2017-06-01T00:10:57.277929Z 16 [Note] Aborted connection 16 to db: 'dbname' user: 'myuser' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

2 Replies

I tracked down the problem. It was the recent security update.

This… $primaryDbServer = '';

Now gets interpreted as '';

So, now you have to just use "" or "localhost"… You can't specify the port number in php anymore?

Sounds like a problem with the application you are using. PHP supports specifying a port number through both mysqli and PDO.


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