Use my vps IP as temp URL for my sites.


I'm new in the forum and new to linode and linux so I apologize if this is the wrong category for my post. I would like to test my websites before pointing my domain, so I would like to use my vps ip to see my website running. Is that possible and how can I do it?


3 Replies



I'm new in the forum and new to linode and linux so I apologize if this is the wrong category for my post. I would like to test my websites before pointing my domain, so I would like to use my vps ip to see my website running. Is that possible and how can I do it?


What happens if you point your browser at your Linode IP (and URL path)?


You want to look into modifying your local computer's /etc/hosts file (there is also a Windows equivalent). It does exactly what you're asking.

Hope that helps,




You want to look into modifying your local computer's /etc/hosts file (there is also a Windows equivalent). It does exactly what you're asking.

Hope that helps,


This fixed my problem. Thanks


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