LAMP question!

Hi, new here!

Will 1G ram be enough to run Apache2, MariaDB and PHP?

It will only be some private sites with only me on (as i use them for learing and testing)

Also i will use the VPS to learn some more about linux.

Hope the question is not to nooby :)

2 Replies

Sure, that can run on a 1G Linode. Memory usage will depend on the web applications you run; Wordpress might be a tight fit with certain plug-ins. You can try it out and see - resizing is pretty painless if there's something you must have that doesn't fit.

That's fine as long as you do the right tweaks and keep the amount of traffic low. As Vance said, resizing on Linode is easy to do. You can keep track of your Linodes resources (to determine when to reize) with Linode Longview.


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