Need help setting up Fail2Ban

I am new to Linode and just installed linux on my pc.

I followed the Getting Started Guide and onto Secure your server guide but got stuck at the Fail2Ban part.

After copying jail.conf to jail.local

I tired setting up email notice for Fail2Ban.

In jail.local:

I changed the destination email to =>

destemail =

sender email to =>

sender =

then typed in

sendmail -t

but nothing happens. :shock:

I haven't setup anything else other than stuffs listed in Getting Started Guide, do I need to install something for email?

And I imagine that I need to put the port number and password somewhere for Fail2Ban to send email from hotmail, but where.. :?

:( Could anybody help me please?

2 Replies

You will need a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA or mailserver) to send mail from your Linode. I would suggest not bothering; all Fail2Ban will e-mail you are dozens or hundreds of notices per day about banned IP addresses. There's nothing for you to do in response to these messages; Fail2Ban will have already blocked the IPs.

cool, thanks for the advise. I will just skip the email part.


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