Courier Imap problems...

Ok… Having problems building the rpms for courier-imap on my system.

After I installed all the packages and after several problems which I was able to solve I have run into the next problem, which doesn´t mean much at all to me….

Im using the information I have found here on how to build rpm´s as a non root user (something that is required by courier-imap). This is the first package I have built and would of really just preferred to use a package within yum (ie.. dovecot or cyrus-imapd) but it seems to use cyrus-imapd I will need to upgrade to fedora core 2 and dovecot can only be used with postgresql at this stage, something that doesn´t bother me greatly, however I would prefer, since I already have the mysql daemon running not to have yet another db installed and running.

ANYWAY.. the problem i get, which im sure is going to be a simple one is this…

++ authmodulelist=authcustom authcram authuserdb authldap authpgsql authmysql authpam
++ authmodulelistorig=authcustom authcram authuserdb authldap authpgsql authmysql authpam
++ daemons=5
++ version=
++ authdaemonvar=/var/run/authdaemon.courier-imap
+ test /var/run/authdaemon.courier-imap '!=' ''
+ echo /usr/lib/courier-imap/etc/authdaemonrc.dist
+ echo /usr/lib/courier-imap/etc/authdaemonrc.dist
+ echo '%dir %attr(700, root, root) ' /var/run/authdaemon.courier-imap
+ touch /home/alex/rpmbuild/courier-imap/TMP/courier-imap-
+ touch /home/alex/rpmbuild/courier-imap/TMP/courier-imap-
+ authlib/authmksock /home/alex/rpmbuild/courier-imap/TMP/courier-imap-
+ /bin/chmod 777 /home/alex/rpmbuild/courier-imap/TMP/courier-imap-
/bin/chmod: failed to get attributes of `/home/alex/rpmbuild/courier-imap/TMP/courier-imap-': No such file or directory
+ exit 1
error: Bad exit status from /home/alex/rpmbuild/courier-imap/TMP/rpm-tmp.75134 (%install)

RPM build errors:
    Bad exit status from /home/alex/rpmbuild/courier-imap/TMP/rpm-tmp.75134 (%install)

So.. It seems to be complaining that a socket doesn´t exist… Any ideas why?


(thinking that I will just install dovecot and pgsql :(

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