Why googleleadservices when logging in?

Sometimes when I log into the Linode Manager using the Mac version of Google Chrome, there will be a long pause after I enter my username and password before the manager dashboard appears. While I'm waiting, I'll see a message "Waiting for http://www.googleleadservices.com" (or something like that) in my brower's status bar at the bottom. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a way to prevent it? I would imagine this isn't Linode doing this but it only happens when I log into the Linode Manager and it's very annoying. I often have to refresh the page to get the manager window to appear.


3 Replies

I use an ad blocker to prevent such things. Avoids a lot of waiting.

I never noticed this, because my "uBlock Origin" plugin is preventing my browser from loading adverts, but I used the Logger feature to confirm that indeed you are correct.

Does it actually display some kind of advert, or is it just for monitoring/analytic purposes?


I never noticed this, because my "uBlock Origin" plugin is preventing my browser from loading adverts, but I used the Logger feature to confirm that indeed you are correct.

Does it actually display some kind of advert, or is it just for monitoring/analytic purposes?

Appears to be the latter.


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