
I am dumb please help me out. One of my friend manages my server..he is not available right now. However, I just reboot the system as site were slowed down. The reboot was successful and server status is 'Running' . Buu I am getting ERRCONNECTIONREFUSED error when I try to go my sites.. I did not touch anything other than reboot (ant that was successful). any idea?

1 Reply

The most likely reason for that error is that the server program has not started. (Is this a web server? Mail server? Something else?)

How to correct this depends on what server program (Apache? Nginx?) and operating system (CentOS? Ubuntu? Something else? What version?) you are using.

You can see what programs are listening on the network by running netstat -lvpnut as root. For a web server, you will want to see if a program is listening on port 80 - as an example, this shows Apache is running:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      11317/apache2

You can also look in the log files for the server program in question to see if any errors are shown there.


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