Does $5 node limit cpu usage?

I'm planning to move my site here and to setup several $5 nodes behind a nodebalancer. The reason to setup $5 is to get more cpus by the same budget.

My question is, is there any limit on the cpu usage? My planing is to use average 75% of each cpu.

5 Replies

No limits on CPU usage! I don't recommend pegging your cores at 100% each, but you've stated you're not planning on that :)

I've been very curious about this. Is the single core of a $5 plan the same as the single core on the $10 plan?

Yes and no.

Higher plans get more share of the host when the host is under contention. So, the larger the plan the larger the priority.

However, on a completely idle host, a single core of a $5 Linode is the same as a single core of a $800 plan.

To update Soh's reply: we totally crunch down CPU abusers when hosts are under heavy load. So don't buy a bunch of Linodes expecting to be able to spin all cores to 100% all the time. That is not what this service is meant for, nor what we promise. Be a kind neighbor.



Higher plans get more share of the host when the host is under contention. So, the larger the plan the larger the priority.
1. In this condition, is there a baseline CPU usage for $5 node? (maybe 10%, 20% or something)


To update Soh's reply: we totally crunch down CPU abusers when hosts are under heavy load. So don't buy a bunch of Linodes expecting to be able to spin all cores to 100% all the time. That is not what this service is meant for, nor what we promise. Be a kind neighbor.
2. If 100% is abuse, then 99% must be. Question is what usage percentage is "safe"?

3. What does "all the time" mean? (10 hr or 20 hrs or something?)



Higher plans get more share of the host when the host is under contention. So, the larger the plan the larger the priority.
1. In this condition, is there a baseline CPU usage for $5 node? (maybe 10%, 20% or something)

If you're using up to 75% I don't really see a problem. A lot of users fluctuate between 5% to 80% normally, all depending on what's happening on the server. If you're pushing 80%+ 24/7, though, you may want to scale your servers so that it's not under so much stress so often. I keep it in the same mindset as using a home computer: I may have 16GB of RAM and 4 cores in there, but if I pegged all 4 cores and just about maxed my RAM out, things aren't going to work as it did with 40% less load.



To update Soh's reply: we totally crunch down CPU abusers when hosts are under heavy load. So don't buy a bunch of Linodes expecting to be able to spin all cores to 100% all the time. That is not what this service is meant for, nor what we promise. Be a kind neighbor.
2. If 100% is abuse, then 99% must be. Question is what usage percentage is "safe"?

3. What does "all the time" mean? (10 hr or 20 hrs or something?)

You would be right that 99% would be considered abusive in that comparison, but there isn't a fine line between what is ok and what isn't as there's a lot of factors to consider. I personally try to keep things under a certain percent (80%), but sometimes it'll spike passed 80% for a small time (minutes, but I have an alarm set in the event that threshold is hit). If you did start to cause resource contention for your neighbors then Support would reach out to you to let you know. They won't just kick you off, but they'll want to know what's going on and see if you can bring it down/spread the load across multiple servers.

By 'all the time' we mean that that is the trend your server is on. If we looked at your graphs and saw x% usage as the norm. If you're using 30% and it spikes to 95% for an hour, that's not 'all the time', but 95% for 20 hours at the same time every day of the week would be considered as such.


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