Joomla site access issue

Hi all,

After following the startup guide and installing joomla on my Ubuntu server, my site is only accessible via /index.php

I must have screwed up something somewhere, either I need to redirect or grant permission or something else.

I have checked the virtual host file and it did have allow override.

Any help will be appreciated.

1 Reply

Assuming you are using Apache, the DirectoryIndex directive controls what happens when a directory ending in "/" is requested. It sounds like index.php is not included in this. Typically, distributions will add index.php for this directive when the PHP Apache modules are installed (often within a configuration file that is included, not in the main config file).

You may want to investigate the DirectoryIndex directives (e.g., grep -R DirectoryIndex /etc/apache2/) contained within your configuration files to see what they say. It wouldn't hurt to add a DirectoryIndex index.php* to your virtual host declaration as this directive is additive, but this could be a symptom of a larger problem.


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