Supporters payments

Is there a way to have supporters of a service make their support payments directly to the linode account?

3 Replies

Sorry but it's a bit difficult for me to understand what you mean, can you clarify exactly what you're intending to do?


Sorry but it's a bit difficult for me to understand what you mean, can you clarify exactly what you're intending to do?

I have a team that use an application that I wrote. They would like to help fund the server. I know we could use a third party like paypal but I was curious if I could just give them access to make payments without giving them admin or control rights to the server.

Thanks for clarifying! There is a way, which is as you've outlined: you could give them access to make payments without giving them access to admin or control rights to the server. You'll go to:

Account tab > Users & Permissions > 'Edit' for the user (or make a new user) > Only check off "Can view invoices, make payments, update contact and billing info, and will receive copies of all invoices and payment emails" > Hit 'Update Grants'.

That should be it!


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