DNS propogation

Hello Dear Forum

1. I have purchased a domain "mywisestock.com" in namecheap.com

2. I have selected "Custom DNS" to use DNS records in Linode for this domain

ns1.linode.com ,…,ns5.linode.com

3. In my linode DNS Manager I have created

1. NS records (ns1.linode.com = mywisestock.com, ns2.linode.com = mywisestock.com, etc…)

4. I have waited 48 hours

5. My ubuntu PC at home fails to resolve the domain
> elilurie@ubuntu:~$ nslookup mywisestock.com



** server can't find mywisestock.com: SERVFAIL

6. What am I doing bad ? Any ideas ?

1 Reply

Sounds like your 3rd step is wrong. You are not supposed to change the NS records. Just add an A record to point to the correct IP address. When you create a new DNS record, you are given the option to "Insert Default Records", select Yes there and everything should be setup automatically.


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