nginx fastcgi_cache much much slower when "caching" WordPress, rather than a test php file

Hi all,

I'm trying to set up fastcgi caching with nginx on a WordPress install. However, when I ab -n 500 -c 50 it goes anywhere from around 800 ms to 3000 ms for the whole transfer. The same command, except with (which simply print microtime(true)), takes anywhere from 200-800 ms. So obviously something's not working right with the fastcgi_cache. You will notice the "x-nginx-cache" header that I added for that domain is a hit in both cases, however. My config is below:



Feel free to apache bench or other testing tools those two URL's to see the difference.

Any help would be appreciated.



5 Replies

Why not benchmark with nginx cache enabled vs. nginx cache disabled for comparison.

I'd also take cloudflare out of the equation when benchmarking.


I'll probably end up doing that, the thing I just don't get is why when they're both preported to be a hit on the cache, a simple test php file takes so much shorter than the whole WordPress – unless I'm misunderstanding it, the cache is a simple html file, so the difference should only depend on disk access, etc.



I just did a quick benchmark. The time per request was about 1400 ms without cache, and about 1200 with cache. This tells me that the cache is working – though I still have a suspition that something's misconfigured because 200 ms should not be the amount it goes down with an in-memory cache. I turned on cloudflare developer mode, so the requests go directly to nginx through cloudflare. I'm kind of stumped at this point, as I can tell it's caching, just.. seemingly not well.


One other thing to note: Oddly, when I turned on caching, the max request went up either a small amount, or in a few cases, significantly.



I have (I think) seen that fastcgi isn't getting contacted by using tcpdump. However, this odd circumstance continues with WordPress still taking much more time than a simple php file. Anyone else have any ideas?



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