Restricting access to users

Hi All,

Just a quick (prob fairly obvious solution..) question –

I have several accounts for some of my friends to use for email access (using postfix etc.).. However, I want to restrict their access - so that they cannot ssh in etc.. ie, not have a shell account on the system - i just want them to be able to log into webmail etc.. How do I do this? Can i do it via webmin or something?

Thanks in advance,

~ Peter.

3 Replies


I have several accounts for some of my friends to use for email access (using postfix etc.).. However, I want to restrict their access - so that they cannot ssh in etc.. ie, not have a shell account on the system - i just want them to be able to log into webmail etc.. How do I do this?

You can just set their shell to /bin/false, either using chsh or directly in /etc/passwd.

Alternatively, you can set up your mail system so that mail accounts are administered independently of Linux accounts.

Thanks :D

I figured it out.. i just set the default shell for the users to false..

~ Peter

You can also use Cyrus and Postfix to fully virtualize users.

With this kind of setup Postfix checks that user exists in database (or flatfile) and gives mail to Cyrus.

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