Linode DNS: update from a config file. Beta testers/code reviewers wanted


I have written a python script that reads a DNS configuration from a YAML file, compares the config to what currently exists in Linode DNS Manager, and applies only the changes needed to bring Linode DNS Manager in sync with the desired configuration. I'm looking for feedback - either beta testing the script or code reviewing it. It is currently in use for my 15+ domains.

It has some nice features:
* Shorthand/aliases for IP addresses, fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) and text strings used in TXT records (such as for DKIM/SPF).

  • Intelligent IPv4/IPv6 handling: instead of having two record types, A and AAAA, the YAML configuration file only has A records, and generates A and AAAA records as needed based on the IP address type.

  • Zone famililes: common records or fields that can be used in many zones.

  • True delta: it only applies the needed changes, rather than remove and recreate all zones.

If you are interested, drop me an email at github at, and the repository is here:

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