My site does not open with the internet from my cell phone


I bought a Linode, I installed Cpanel / WHM, did the migration from my site, and it works correctly in the PC Browse. But it does not open on cell phones, with the internet of my telephone operator.

When I connect Wi-Fi it opens.

When I connect with my mobile internet, it does not open. Apnas he, who is staying in Linode, does not open.

I do not know if the problem is with the Linode network, because I have other sites on another hosting provider, and they all open normally on my cell phone.

I do not know if it is missing any configuration in my VPS, for this to work.

Can someone help me?

2 Replies

How long has the DNS been setup? Your cell provider may be being slow to propagate it.

Issue might also be firewall settings of your mobile anti virus.


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