MySQL Workbench TCP/IP over SSH help please.

Hey guys.

I am trying to create a connection to MySQL through MySQL Workbench's TCP/IP over SSH connection.

I am following this guide: … nistration">

When I try to test the connection, I get the error:

"Failed to connect…tunnel connection cancelled."

Even the Workbench error logs give no clearer picture:

"Authentication error, unhandled exception caught in tunnel manager, please refer to logs for details."

The doozy here is that I can easily connect to the server through SSH with Putty.

I am using a key to authenticate.

Any ideas on where to look? I've been lost on this for a day or two now.

2 Replies

I just use small scripts to set up tunnels, this is like the one I use for my server:


ssh -X -L myaccount@mysite.domain

Then locally I just set up a connection in MySQL Workbench to on port 3306.


Hey guys.

When I try to test the connection, I get the error:

"Failed to connect…tunnel connection cancelled."

Even the Workbench error logs give no clearer picture:

"Authentication error, unhandled exception caught in tunnel manager, please refer to logs for details."

Did you specify that you're using the key for MySQL workbench? This seems related: … to-connect">


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