Easy firewall management


Does linode offer any way to manage firewall rules from the manager?

I've used AWS and know it's pretty easy to do from there as you can manage security zones.


3 Replies

No, linode doesn't provide any firewall capabilities. You install your own firewall on your linode.

Having a firewall in front of your server, handler by the data centre is a bad idea overall.

1) its usually more limited than a fully fledged iptables/firewalld/netfilter firewall

2) not portable, so you can't take the firewall with you if you move

3) not customizable, you are usually limited to just managing rules, you can't make modifications to the actual firewall code

4) not combinable with other services like a load balancer (haproxy)

In my experience, I've found that its better to setup your own firewall, for example, I'm using CentOS 7 with firewalld+ipset+haproxy which is enough for my needs.


Having a firewall in front of your server, handler by the data centre is a bad idea overall.

1) its usually more limited than a fully fledged iptables/firewalld/netfilter firewall

2) not portable, so you can't take the firewall with you if you move

3) not customizable, you are usually limited to just managing rules, you can't make modifications to the actual firewall code

4) not combinable with other services like a load balancer (haproxy)

In my experience, I've found that its better to setup your own firewall, for example, I'm using CentOS 7 with firewalld+ipset+haproxy which is enough for my needs.



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