DKIM Postfix configuration- opendkim-testkey returns unknown hash error

1. I am in process of configuring mail server with DKIM per instructions on Linode tutorial ~~[" target="_blank">]( … n-debian-8">](. Things work well for me until I have to test configuration with opendkim-testkey -vvv command and receive error:

opendkim-testkey: using default configfile /etc/opendkim.conf
opendkim-testkey: checking key ''
opendkim-testkey: unknown hash 'rsa-sha256'

Current TXT record on DNS looks like so:````
v=DKIM1; h=rsa-sha256; k=rsa; s=email;kjlksjjlsjjdls….

2\. Here is what I have done that seems to have a positive effect on the situation.

If I edit and remove````

from TXT record on my DNS to look like following:````
v=DKIM1; k=rsa; s=email;kjlksjjlsjjdls….

When I run opendkim-testkey -vvv this time around key seem to be OK but not secure.

opendkim-testkey: using default configfile /etc/opendkim.conf
opendkim-testkey: checking key ''
opendkim-testkey: key not secure
opendkim-testkey: key OK

What do I need to do to correct the unknown hash error? Am I missing something on my server configurations that is causing the error?

3 Replies

I'm using CentOS 7 with this script so maybe you could take a look at the configuration and compare it with yours?

here is the: opendkim.conf

Take a look here, see if that sheds some light on the issue:

Thanks guys for the replies.

I re-read the linode instructions again and it seems that in their implementation, they simply omitted the "h=rsa-sha256" section.

They also seems to indicate that moving forward after the "key not secure message" is fine. :-/

Since then I've been running with the key as with the "h=rsa-sha256" flag and DKIM test and checks came back positive.

Solution suggest by @alexfornuto link here at seems like a promising fix. Will try in out to see if error goes away in a few weeks when I have to change the keys again.

Thanks again!!! :-)


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