Glish keyboard layout


When I use Glish, the keyboard layout is quite strange.

I use a laptop with Belgian French keyboard, standard letters are ok (A to Z) but digit and special characters generate strange behaviors.

When I press digit 2, I get something like
> 7atkbd serio0: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0x0 on isa0060/serio0)
The linode use archlinux (standard image provide by linode). I tried with last version of firefox and MS Edge browser.

From a ssh with putty, all is working well.

Somebody known which keyboard layout I should set ?


1 Reply

Linode Staff


In many ways, using GLISH for serious work is like using Lish instead of SSH for serious work. It's not exactly what they were designed for. They are meant for temporary, out-of-band, get-things-running type of work.

Instead, I recommend you run a vncserver on your Linode itself, and then connect your VNC client to that (via your Linode's networking). That way, you can configure screen resolutions, keyboard input translations, etc - either in your vnc client or on the vnc server itself.

Hope that helps,



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