SMTP socket wedged?

Recently I've started to get messages of the following type in /var/log/mail.err:

> Jun 26 18:48:00 omni sm-mta[5098]: daemon Daemon1: problem creating SMTP socket

Jun 26 18:48:05 omni sm-mta[5098]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon Daemon1: cannot bind: Address already in use

Jun 26 18:48:05 omni sm-mta[5098]: daemon Daemon1: problem creating SMTP socket

Jun 26 18:48:10 omni sm-mta[5098]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon Daemon1: cannot bind: Address already in use

Jun 26 18:48:10 omni sm-mta[5098]: daemon Daemon1: problem creating SMTP socket

Jun 26 18:48:15 omni sm-mta[5098]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon Daemon1: cannot bind: Address already in use

Jun 26 18:48:15 omni sm-mta[5098]: daemon Daemon1: problem creating SMTP socket

Jun 26 18:48:20 omni sm-mta[5098]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon Daemon1: cannot bind: Address already in use

Jun 26 18:48:20 omni sm-mta[5098]: daemon Daemon1: problem creating SMTP socket

Jun 26 18:48:20 omni sm-mta[5098]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon Daemon1: server SMTP socket wedged: exiting

I haven't made any changes to my sendmail configuration, and all other services (pop3, ftp, ssh, etc.) seem to be working properly. This seems to have started with my last reboot (last night, to upgrade to the latest 2.4 series kernel). I'm lost here… anyone have ideas/suggestions?

Running Gentoo 1.4 on a Linode 96, host 11. Sendmail is configured to listen on both smtp and port 2525 through daemon_options in

Edited to add:

Ignore this. A run through the output of netstat -lp cleared things up… a portforwarding service I thought was disabled, wasn't.


3 Replies

Can you please collaborate!

There seems to be alot of Q's about this on the net, but no answers. :(

Im a realtive n00b to Linux so dont make it too technical. :)

What was happening was that I had another process using that port. My ISP had closed off port 25 except when connecting to their mail servers, so I had initially set up a port forwarding daemon to allow me to connect on port 2525. The problem was that I hadn't dropped that port from the forwarding daemon's configuration before adding it to sendmail's config, so both processes were trying to bind to the same port. That's what was causing the errors.

So… if you're running into this kind of problem, check to see if two or more of your servers are trying to use the same port. (You can get a list of the ports in use using netstat like I did.)

As for being a n00b… heh, I still consider myself one. But we all learn what we need to know, eventually. :)

Tnx for a fast reply!

I check it by telneting to the port 25. Sendmail replyed.

Right now it looks more like a rights issue on some files.

Have to do some more investigaton here. Root get permision denied when trying to send mail……. :oops:


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